It took a while to arrange a visit, but it was great to have Greens Party Senator Jordan Steele-John visit us and get up to date with what TADWA now represents.
We welcomed the opportunity to hear the Senator’s views on the NDIS, and the challenges and opportunities for the disability sector. Senator Steele-John is an intelligent and articulate man with an absolute passion for improving the lives of people living with disability. It is fantastic to have politician with lived experience bringing this perspective to Federal Parliament.
During his tour of the TADWA workshops we discovered that Senator Steel-John was a previous customer of TADWA. His family bought a computer from us and he trialled the Beach Trekker in Rockingham some years ago.
We expect it won’t be long before the Senator also trials some of our adaptive ice rink equipment down at the Cockburn Ice Arena!
We look forward to an ongoing dialogue with Senator Steele-John.
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